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4 Maintenance Tips for Turbocharged Diesel Engine - Our Guide

25th May 2020

Diesel technology has come a long way in the automotive industry over the years. From ultra-low sulfur diesel to biodiesel, it has become more robust in that it caters to every vehicle owner's needs. The engine of a passenger vehicle proves to have addressed some drawbacks brought by its fuel counterparts, such as kerosene, home heating oil, and jet fuel. However, keep in mind that even a diesel engine needs proper maintenance to ensure its optimal performance and longevity.

In this article, we will share with your four maintenance tips for your turbocharged diesel engine:

1. Maintaining diesel engine turbochargers

The engine turbocharger plays a huge part in running your vehicle efficiently. However, you should make sure that your engine does not fail prematurely. Here’s what you can do as part of its upkeep:

  • Allow your vehicle to start up and remain idle for a few minutes, instead of stepping on the gas right away.
  • Allow your oil to reach all the parts of your engine, especially the turbo.
  • Use oil additives for your turbocharger and oil system to keep the lubrication at peak levels.

2. Using diesel fuel additives for biodiesel or USLD

When it comes to the use of fuel, there are two main types typically used: ULSD and biodiesel. No matter which one you use, know that the fuel additive is still needed. However, take note of the following:

  • Look for a water-demulsifying fuel additive (instead of those that burn the water) as it keeps the injectors flowing at full capacity.
  • Use a diesel fuel additive for fuel gelling, especially during colder months.

3. Changing diesel oil and filter

The lifespan of diesel engine oil depends a lot on the frequency of driving and its conditions. Know, however, that changing the oil should be a part of your regular upkeep. Here’s what you should do:

  • Follow the OEM-recommended oil change intervals to keep your engine humming and your vehicle running on the road as efficiently as possible.
  • Change your air filters as well as part of your maintenance, apart from changing the oil.

4. Choosing and using diesel coolant

As far as diesel coolant is concerned, there is a wide range of selection to choose from based on colors and specifications. Because of this, it can be quite a headache to find the right one. Here are a few tips you can follow:

  • Buy and use only OEM-recommended coolant.
  • Do not mix coolants as this can create a chemical reaction that may negatively impact your engine.
  • Never add water to your coolant because plain water does not disperse heat, and can only lead to bigger problems.


We hope that this article has helped you earn some valuable tips on maintaining your diesel engine turbocharger. Keep in mind the tips mentioned above, especially when using fuel additives for both biodiesel and USLD, changing the oil and filter, and choosing the coolant.

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