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4 Reasons You Always Need To Keep Your Fuel Tank Full

12th Jun 2020

One piece of advice that many drivers receive is to ensure that the fuel tank never runs empty. For one thing, an empty tank means a vehicle is pretty much useless. You won’t be getting far if your car is running on fumes.

However, an empty fuel tank can be more than just a hindrance. It can actually damage your vehicle that leads to permanent problems later on. To demonstrate what we mean, here are the reasons you need to ensure your car’s fuel tank is never empty:

1. Prevent condensation

Condensation takes place when cold water vapor comes into contact with a warmer surface. The same thing can happen in your tank, particularly in the space that is not occupied by fuel. This can lead to moisture that can damage the components and prevent your car from running optimally, something that is further aggravated in cold weather where the the moisture can freeze.

2. Prevent fuel pump failure

The electric fuel pump motor needs gasoline because it acts as a coolant to ensure proper operation. When your gas tank is low, the pump can suck in air, which can generate heat. Over time, the heat can cause wear to your fuel pump.

This can lead to several problems that affect the performance of your vehicle. One, you might find it difficult to get your engine going. Two, it can impede fuel efficiency, lowering your car’s expected mileage. Three, it can increase the chances of your engine overheating, causing your car to stall while you are on the road.

3. Prevent rust & dirt

Dirt and rust can get trapped in your fuel tank, and when you’re running low on gas, these harmful elements can build up and block your fuel filter. When this happens, you’re looking at potentially costly repairs that you want to avoid. 

Moreover, the dirt can go into the fuel filter. When your engine shakes when you’re sitting idle in your car, it could signify a build-up of dirt in your fuel filter. You can also find it difficult to start your vehicle or it might not start at all. 

4. Prevent unnecessary accidents

Can you just imagine getting into an accident or finding yourself trapped in the middle of the night because you ran out of fuel? Allowing your fuel tank to run low is not practical, especially if your frequently traverse empty roads.

Keeping your fuel tanks full as much as possible is also for your safety and protection. You must remember that when an engine dies abruptly, brakes and power steering can also be lost, preventing you from using you car safely should you manage to get it to run.


There are many reasons you may avoid filling your tank when it’s low. It could be that you’re running late or just too busy to remember. On the other hand, others do not fill their gas tank as a way to save more money. 

The thing is, saving time and money this way will cost you more in the future when you encounter issues with your fuel parts or, worse, when you get into an accident. The next time your tank is low, fill it up right away. 

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