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5 Factors to Consider Between Diesel & Gasoline-Powered Vehicles

14th Aug 2020

In the automotive industry, many people often debate over which option is better for their truck: diesel or gasoline? Which has better performance and efficient fuel consumption? Should you go for a diesel-power car over a gasoline-powered one?

In essence, a combustion engine converts the chemical energy available in fuel into mechanical energy required to keep your vehicle moving. The difference between diesel and gasoline, however, lies in how the combustion occurs. 

For a diesel engine, the air is compressed, and the fuel is injected where the air heats up, and the mixture ignites. In a gasoline engine, on the other hand, the air mixes with the fuel, compressed by pistons and ignited by the sparks.

If you are having a tough time choosing between a diesel-powered car and a gasoline-powered car, here are five key factors for you to consider:


Sure, the syrup-like diesel fuel can cost more than watery gasoline. In actuality, it has more potential energy (given its energy per unit of weight) when compared to gasoline. For this reason, diesel vehicles get mileage in the 30s, 40s, or 50s. As there may be a slight difference in pricing, go for the more energy-efficient to help you save up in the long run. Of course, the pricing also depends on your vehicle and driving style.


When it comes to power output, you should consider these two crucial measurements—horsepower and torque. Horsepower measures power while torque focuses on the engine's twisting force on the driveline. While your vehicle needs a high horsepower, it's the torque that gets your vehicle moving. 

Keep in mind that diesel has less horsepower but with high torque. For this reason, it is excellent for heavy goods vehicles like trucks or lorries carrying heavy loads. On the other hand, gas is ideal for sports cars requiring high horsepower but not as much torque.


In the past, diesel engines had a hard time catching up with gasoline when it came to 'going green.' Today, diesel technology has greatly evolved and is now much cleaner than ever before. However, its fuel still doesn't burn as cleanly as gasoline. When it comes to reduced pollution, gasoline is indeed a more reliable option.


Diesel cars of old used to sound just like trucks, no matter what type they were. The good thing is that modern technology has addressed this crucial concern, and the noise pollution emitted by old diesel engines is no longer a problem. Today, diesel engines essentially sound the same as gas-powered cars. 


Know that a diesel engine is more reliable because it uses compression ignition and requires less maintenance. It is also simpler than a gas engine since it runs without spark plugs and complex electrical works. Ultimately, it can outweigh a gas engine in terms of the miles or hours it can run before vehicle servicing is required.


At this point, you now know the five factors that can impact your decision in choosing between diesel and gasoline, such as the pricing, power, pollution, noise, and reliability. As each has its pros and cons in the automotive department, your decision ultimately boils down to what you need and how much you can afford!

At US diesel parts, we are one of the largest parts resellers where you can find the components you need. If you would like to go for diesel engine and vehicle parts over gas-powered ones, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!