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Engine Maintenance Checklist for Truck Owners - What to Know

15th May 2020

Do you have a truck that you use on a regular basis? If that’s the case, then it’s important for you to know how to take care of it properly. Routine engine maintenance will help keep your truck in top working condition, saving you repair costs and unnecessary hassle. It will also ensure that the vehicle remains safe to drive, which is arguably one of the biggest priorities.

With that being said, how exactly should you maintain your truck’s engine? That’s what we’ll discuss in this article. Below, we’ll list down several tips for truck maintenance that you should follow.

Replace the engine oil and filter when needed

Let’s start with the engine, where most common truck problems arise. You’ll want to pay attention to two things here. The first is the quality of the engine oil, and the second is that of the engine air filter.

The engine oil is what keeps your engine running smoothly. It acts as a lubricant that reduces the amount of friction between the individual components. Over time, this oil gets dirty. It gets exposed to dirt that prevents it from performing optimally. If the problem gets serious enough, it could lead to damaged engine components, frequent overheating, and complete engine failure.

The air filter is similarly important. It acts as the engine’s first line of defense against dust, dirt, and other airborne contaminants. When this gets dirty, more these pollutants can make their way into the engine and cause it to malfunction. It also means that less clean air is able to enter the machine, robbing it of power.

A general rule of thumb for replacing these components is to replace the oil every 5,000 miles, and every 15,000 miles for the air filter.

Don’t forget the other car fluids

Let’s move on to the other important fluids in your truck. These include the brake fluid, the power steering fluid, and the engine coolant.

The brake fluid is what allows your brakes to function. Without it, you’d have no way of safely driving your vehicle. The biggest factor that contributes to its deterioration is moisture, which means you’ll have to replace it more frequently if you drive in wet conditions. Experts recommend changing your brake fluid every two to four years, depending on your usual driving conditions, the truck’s age, and several other factors.

The power steering fluid is what lets you maneuver your truck. It is directly connected to the power steering pump and rack, which means that if the fluid goes bad, the other expensive components can get damaged as well. This fluid usually gets dirty simply due to wear and tear. You will have to replace it every 50,000 miles. However, this figure will also depend on different factors.

Finally, the engine coolant does two things for your truck: one, it helps regulate the temperature of the engine, and two, it prevents corrosion. This, too, will break down over time, which could mean that your engine will start to rust and overheat at the same time. You will want to replace this every 30,000 miles.


Apart from these tips, you also want to check your engine regularly for any signs of damage. Corrosion is not normal in engines, and neither is the presence of strange noises when the engine is running. Make sure you pay attention to these signs so that you can fix the problem or have an expert do it for you.

Either way, it’s in your best interest that you make sure that your engine is running properly, so take regular maintenance seriously.

We sell replacement parts for diesel truck engines in and around Montana. Get in touch with us today if you need our help.