What is a CP3 Conversion?
20th Jun 2022
What is a CP3 Conversion?
Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a new diesel enthusiast, you may find yourself asking the question “What is a CP3 conversion?”
Simply put, a CP3 conversion means replacing a CP4 injector pump with a CP3 pump. The CP4 pumps have largely replaced CP3 pumps in manufacturing over recent years because the CP4s can become problematic, sometimes resulting in engine failure. To avoid these issues, a CP3 injection pump conversion kit can help you with your installation.
What is a CP3 fuel injector pump?
The purpose of a CP3 injector pump is to create and regulate high-pressure fuel, giving you more horsepower. It’s found in diesel vehicles, mostly in models manufactured from 2001 to 2010.
The CP3 pump has the capacity to flow a 20% higher volume of fuel than the CP4. Because of this, it can support more horsepower for your vehicle.

Why would I need a conversion?
A CP4 injector pump has the same purpose as a CP3 pump, but is used in newer diesel models primarily from 2011 to 2016. There are two variations for the CP4; the CP4.1 and the CP4.2. The latter is the one we will be referencing, as it has multiple pumping elements and is primarily used in the larger engines of American trucks.
When there’s insufficient lubrication between the components, the CP4 rollers start to grind instead of sliding smoothly against each other. This friction has been known to cause the CP4 to grenade. This self implosion sends tiny metal scraps throughout the fuel system.
If this problem occurs, it can cause catastrophic damage to the major fuel system components. This CP4 engine issue sometimes requires a fuel contamination kit, a disaster kit, or a repair that can cost upwards of $8,000.
Fortunately for diesel truck owners, the CP4.2 pump can be replaced before it causes destruction. The fix to this problem is by replacing the CP4 injector pump with a CP3, which does not harm the engine when it stops working.
Don’t let the numbers fool you, the CP3 is not a step backward in the injection pump evolution. It's a tried and true design that’s proven to carry a higher volume of fuel, making it stronger and more reliable than the CP4.2.
Making the Conversion
At US Diesel Parts, we have many options of CP3 conversion kits to fit any diesel need for your Chevy, GMC, Dodge or Ford truck. If you have questions about the best part for your truck, contact us to speak with a knowledgeable representative.
We offer CP4-CP3 conversion kits from well-known suppliers like Industrial Injection and SS Diesel Motorsport. US Diesel Parts also has California Air Resources Board compliant CP3 conversion kits that meet emission requirements, and kits for competition use only. If you’re in need of a CP3 conversion kit, we have the perfect selection for you.