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5 Reasons You Should Invest In Diesel Fuel Additives

19th Jun 2020

Poor quality diesel fuels at gas stations don’t always follow the best standards for gas, which creates different complications to your vehicle due to fuel-related issues. These can range from minor issues like slow acceleration idling time to more severe damages like fuel icing and poor lubricity. Using a diesel fuel additive keeps you from dealing with these problems while it also provides several benefits for your engine’s shelf life.

The advantages of using high-quality diesel fuel

If your car is suffering from excess smoke or fuel, the common culprit may be the presence of poor diesel fuel. Investing in a high-quality diesel fuel additive will prevent you from suffering the different issues that it can give to your vehicle.

In this article, we will share five reasons using a diesel fuel additive can help prolong your diesel engine’s life span:


It lubricates your vehicle's fuel injection system

One essential requirement for newer emissions regulations is ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel. However, these policies also result in hydrodesulfurization (HDS) that makes diesel fuel lose its lubricity.

Know that lubricity is vital in preventing your engine’s components from wear and tear. Having low levels will cause your high-pressure pumps and fuel injectors to have a shorter service life. Fuel additives, such as XFP’s Diesel Power Plus, prevents the issues of low lubricity by coating the fuel system’s internal parts to produce less friction for better fuel flow.

It cleanses your fuel systems and injectors

Fuel additives contain a formulated detergent to aid in the flushing out of hard deposits that build up in your tank. Decarbonization, in particular, helps in repairing common issues, such as engine hesitation and rough idling. By removing the excess carbon, your engine will be able to improve diesel performance while contributing to better fuel efficiency at the same time.

It improves cetane ratings

Diesel engines require a specific cetane number (CN) to operate correctly. This can range from a rating of 40 – 45 for American brands compared to global numbers that can reach up to 55.

In many states, the ASTM D975 dictates that diesel fuel standard be set at 40. 

Modern diesel engines run at their best with a value above 48 for maximum efficiency. Fuel additives can increase an engine’s cetane to increase horsepower and start-up speeds while it reduces emission volumes and provide smoother transitions from idling to acceleration.

It reduces smoke while increasing fuel economy

A vehicle’s CN is a measure of its engine’s combustion efficiency. The higher the number is, the better chances that fuel droplets that land on the combustion chamber produce power. Higher chances of fuel-burning lead to fewer instances of smoke production. This doesn’t only reduce your volume of exhaust that your vehicle generates, but it also gives better fuel mileage per tank.

It prevents fuel icing and freeze-ups

Diesel fuel tends to freeze up during cold seasons. The low temperature causes the fuel filters to be plugged with wax and ice. Although this is only a minor inconvenience, it can cause significant permanent damage to your engine if left unattended or unused for a long time.

Diesel fuel additives are excellent solutions to prevent icing in your tanks because tailor-fit formulas, such as the XDP Polar-D Winter Formula, can keep your engine warm to prevent your fuel from freezing during cold seasons.



Improving your engine’s life span is necessary to make sure that you get the most mileage out of your vehicle. You should remember that the best way to deal with auto problems is by preventing your car from experiencing them in the first place.

US Diesel Parts is a reliable supplier of auto products ranging from branded fuel kits to specialized fuel additives. Browse our online catalog today to purchase high-quality solutions to your car’s needs!