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6 Ways to Maintain Your Diesel Engine - What to Know

26th Jun 2020

Driving and owning a vehicle comes with a lot of responsibilities. A vehicle is a machine with a lot of moving components, any one of which can go wrong if improperly maintained. Diesel engines are no different, and present many of their own maintenance concerns.

As with anything, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, and there are ways you can maintain your diesel engine that can help it run better, last longer, and break down less. 

Here are some of these ways:

Observe your fluid levels.

Engine oil is what keeps the mechanical components of your diesel engine lubricated and operating smoothly. Without it, the surfaces would scrape against each other painfully and degrade the engine over a short period of time. Check it at least once a month, and if possible, more often.

Your engine coolant also needs your regular attention and is just as important as the oil. Regularly topping up your engine coolant can prevent overheating, coolant freezing, and engine-damaging electrolysis in your cylinder liners.

Keep your engine (and your truck) clean.

There are all sorts of ways to dirty a truck—soot, grime, dirt, etc. But keeping your truck clean can help you keep an eye out issues regularly before they become serious problems. It’s easier to identify, for example, when a truck has been leaking oil if the truck and the surrounding area are clean. 

Dirty radiators and intercoolers can also mess with your diesel engine’s overall performance. Just like with the human body, keeping it clean just keeps it healthier.

Maintain your radiator.

A dysfunctional radiator can cause your engine to overheat. Past a certain heat level, your diesel engine will become irreparable. You’ll have to replace the entire engine if that happens. 

A radiator helps your diesel engine by cooling it, and therefore should be an essential part of your upkeep. Radiators should be regularly cleaned, the coolant in them should be regularly tested, and radiators should be replaced every couple of years. 

Change your filters regularly.

Fuel filters should be replaced regularly to ensure a better flow of fuel throughout the entire system. Much like the heart, fuel filters build up grime over time, eventually hampering the flow of fuel or even clogging it. 

A fully clogged fuel filter can prevent an engine from running at all and can make your truck operate at inefficient levels, running too slowly and heating up too quickly.

Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of an unhealthy diesel engine.

Frequent drivers should know from the sound of the car alone when something is wrong with it. Is there a clicking noise? Is it rumbling at a higher or lower register? Is there something off about turning the wheel to the left? 

Any unfamiliar noises are cause for concern and could mean repairs or maintenance is needed. 

Protect your exhaust system.

As diesel engines developed over the years, so too did the exhaust systems that accompanied them. There are also EPA standards to meet, that involve the regular topping up of Diesel Exhaust Fluids (DEF) and cleaning of Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF). 

DPF regeneration is something you have to pay attention to, in case the particulates caught in the filter, it will heat up to the point of combustion, producing ash and carbon dioxide. If regeneration is a regular problem, you may have to consult a technician.

Your DEF tank also needs to be regularly refilled, as an empty can reduce performance. 


Your vehicle is an investment and an important part of life. For many, their trucks are associated with their livelihoods and are a tool for providing income so that they can provide for their families. Proper diesel engine maintenance can help your car not only operate better but last longer. 

We at US Diesel Parts know our way around an engine and can provide you with the supplies and technical knowledge you need to maintain your diesel engine properly