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5 Great Reasons to Buy Diesel Vehicles and Parts

6th Apr 2019

fuel pumps

Diesel vehicles may be more common than you think. For instance, in 2016, there eight million diesel passenger vehicles could be found on the road in the United States, and 72% of trucks with a vehicle weight of at least 10,001 pounds sold in the United States in 2013 had diesel engines. They are even used widely in a broad range of settings, from ambulances to airport shuttle buses to delivery vans of all stripes. Diesel vehicles offer many benefits; let's take a spin around some helpful information on buying diesel.

  1. The quiet is remarkable. Historically, diesel engines were thought to be a bit on the noisy side. But modern diesel trucks have very quiet engines. Many ears cannot tell the difference between a diesel engine and a gas engine.
  2. Diesel vehicles boast a lower cost of ownership over time. By using much less fuel than gas vehicles, diesel engines allow you to realize substantial returns on your investment over your years of ownership. Work Truck Magazine recently cited the U.S. Department of Energy's finding that diesel engines offer 30% to 35% better fuel economy than comparable gasoline engines.
  3. Diesel trucks require regular maintenance, as does any vehicle, but they require less than many gasoline-powered vehicles. Diesel engines have fewer components than spark engines, so you won't have to worry about spark plugs or distributors. Fewer tune-ups mean lower maintenance costs. For instance, the average diesel fuel pump is designed to last for approximately 50,000 miles and fuel pumps can have an even longer life than that with proper care and maintenance. When the time comes, fuel pumps are relatively easy and inexpensive to replace.
  4. Value retention. Simply put, when you've got two comparably equipped, used and maintained trucks, with one powered by gas and the other powered by diesel, the diesel truck will almost always go for a higher resale amount.
  5. Towing capacity. Smaller diesel engines start with a towing capacity of around ten thousand pounds and the numbers grow from there. If you've got heavy work or camping equipment to tow on a regular basis, diesel may be the way to go for you.

Check out your diesel vehicle and parts provider to have a look around and find your best fit!